Redwood's Forest Kindergarten is an invaluable part of our program. Directed by kindergarten teacher, Hailey Malin, the Forest Kindergarten takes students outdoors, utilizing nature as the classroom.
Every day, rain or shine, our kindergarteners are out in the woods exploring, learning, and playing. We spend about two hours each day in our outdoor area. Each day they gain gross motor skills, develop hand eye coordination, and better balance.
By becoming immersed in nature, students gain deeper knowledge as lessons are taught both in the classroom and outdoors, making the whole program cross curricular. Students gain 21st century skills like problem solving and critical thinking skills, which help students in our indoor classes and assignments. Last year we were able to find a frog at the creek. We looked at its habitat, discussed where it liked to be, and estimated its size. The next day in our classroom, we used frog length as part of our math measurement lesson, and later in Bible class we talked about how God made frogs unique.
We think our Forest Kindergarten is awesome, and we think you will too. We still have openings in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Contact our office at 707-545-1697, by email at, or click here to enroll right now! We look forward to sharing this experience with you and your student.